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Elderly Fall Prevention: What Family Members Can Do

Elderly Fall Prevention: What Family Members Can Do

Every year, a lot of older adults are admitted to emergency rooms due to fall-related injuries. These injuries often affect their way of living after getting discharged. As a result, senior individuals will require even more care and attention. Many families opt to engage home health services in Ohio for their senior loved ones for the care and attention they need.

Elderly Fall Risk Factors

A number of risk factors can lead to the possibility of falls in the elderly. These include:

  • advanced age
  • decline in physical mobility and sense of balance
  • side effects of certain prescribed medications
  • cognitive impairment
  • environmental hazards

Fall Prevention Tips

To help minimize the chances of falls in your senior loved ones, risk factors should also be reduced, if not eliminated. You and the other able-bodied members of the family should take the initiative of preventing your senior loved ones from falling. The following tips can help:

  • Talk to the doctor.

    Your loved ones’ existing conditions are well-known to their doctors. They can help figure out whether your loved ones’ conditions present fall risks. For instance, if they had a stroke resulting in one half of their body to be paralyzed, there is a huge risk of falling if they don’t have any kind of support.

    If their prescribed medications are causing them to lose balance or experience nausea from time to time, inform their doctors. The dosages may be modified or the medications may have to be changed. As much as possible, do not change any medication without informing the doctor or a healthcare provider in Ohio.

  • Keep their living environment clean.

    Clutter can cause your loved ones to trip. With the decline in their sense of balance, they cannot immediately recover, resulting in slips, trips, and falls.

    The best way to minimize this is to keep the home clean. Remove clutter. Make sure that every object is stored and kept in its right place.

  • Discuss home modifications with them.

    Home modifications may be necessary for fall prevention. These may include installation of grab bars, stair lifts, and bright lights. As much as possible, those places where your aging family members frequent to should be modified to reduce fall risks and ensure their safety.

    Before proceeding with the modifications, talk to your aging loved ones first. It is their home. Discuss to them the benefits of making certain changes at home.

  • Consider home health care in Columbus Ohio.

    With this type of care, your loved ones will receive the required assistance and attention in their home. They will have someone professional to rely on in getting things done.

    Supreme Touch Home Health Services Corp. can be that professional. We send out reliable and professional care providers to your loved ones wherever they may be residing. Call us today!

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